Edellinen - Raw material logistic from the forest to factoriesSeuraava - Sawn timber manufacturingTest your skills Test your skills! Test is only for your own purposes and you result or answers will not be saved. 1. In wood procurement the starting point for operational planning is the quality and quantity of stocksthe amount and age of road and mill stocksthe receiving and logistic plans of the sawmill 2. In the delivery of logs, operations are usually designed so that: the log is typically stored on the roadside for a good couple of weekshauling follows cuttings immediatelyas much wood as possible is cold-stored to guarantee quality 3. Cross cutting means wireless data transfer in the harvestingcutting steered on the value, distribution and volumesinstructions for measuring timber 4. Monitoring of cross cutting means with the length distribution rate, which compares the targets with the actual figuresreviewing the dimensional accuracy of lengths by machine and by type of timberdistribution of quality 5. Käytäntöön vakiintuneiden puutavaralajien (kuitu, tukki, pikkutukki...) määritykset perustuvat rungonosaestimaatteihinläpimittaositteiden rajoihin, a - b - cminimilatvaläpimittaan, tyven maksimiläpimittaan sekä sallittuihin pituuksiin 6. In Finland, the timber is measured as bark cover, whereby the stumpage price also includes the proportion of bark. correctincorrect 7. Current measuring systems make it possible to have a quality-based pricing, because each and every log can graded at this point thoroughly. CorrectIncorrect Loading... Edellinen - Raw material logistic from the forest to factoriesSeuraava - Sawn timber manufacturing