Green sorting is also called dimension sorting because it is mainly done on the basis of the timber’s dimensions.
However, sorting by quality grade is becoming an increasingly important type of green sorting. Quality sorting is often done using automated machine vision systems. The purpose of sorting is to separate the different sizes and qualities into their own groups for drying.
The dimension sorting plant is located directly after the sawline and has an extensive layout. The sorting bins require a lot of space in terms of both length and height. The transfer and buffer storage location conveyors and loaders also require space.
Dimensiolajittelulaitos sijaitsee sahalinjan jälkeen ja on layoutiltaan järeä laitos. Lajittelulokerot tarvitsevat tilaa sekä pituus- että korkeussuunnassa. Tilaa vievät myös siirto- ja välivarastokuljettimet sekä annostimet.
The sawmill’s sawing capacity determines the sorting plant capacity required. In addition to efficiency, the gentle handling of the timber is increasingly important.